For my own amusement
A fan sent me a message, telling me "hope you're doing ok in these crazy times. guess if you're stuck inside you will have more time to draw ;)"
I answered that as a matter of fact the coronavirus had not changed my way of life, as I've been living like a hermit in my appartement for the past two years since I had this crazy idea to become an artist. The urgency regarding the passing time and a complete lack of money forced me to stop seeing my friends during the past year and forced to me maintain a frugal lifestyle. Still that virus sucks because I can't go to the park where I usually walk everyday in order to keep the body and mind sharp.
I've been sketching the face of the sorceress for my Thorus project the other day. ; but I'm not satisfied with it so I'm giving it a rest. Obviously she looks quite like the Studhuntress..
I've returned to my reading of the biography of Lovecraft ("I am Providence" by T.S. Joshi - it's a 900+ pages read !) which I enjoy by reading the complete work of Lovecraft as well as several gothic novels and classic (Vathek, ashton Smith, Dunsany ect..) and old tales (Arabian Nights) as I need to gather my thoughts for the writing and building of my Thorus project.
I've posted a picture of the princess the other day, as well as Scarlet Moon. This picture of the princess is something which I drew last year, and I've always been unsatisfied with it so I never judged it worthy to show (like most of my work anyway).
Some may says what's the problem with that princess picture ? It's not THAT bad ?
The problem is that the princess I've drawn doesn't look like the princess I have in my mind.
I'm always failing to convey what I have in my mind. The world, the characters I see.. They are quite epics. But my skill is still not up to the task...
I draw everyday a picture - or rather a failed picture. But that's okay, because I'm improving with each picture. Failure is part of the process, so I don't feel pain toward it. What I am happy with is the fact that for one year I've never stopped to draw even for a single day ; even when my dad passed away three month ago. Drawing has simply become the essential part of my being, and art is pretty much the only thing I think about and care of.
So obviously I've fancied many thoughts about art, thoughts which are evolving... Sometime I'm tempted to post them on deviantart or on my blog. But then another voice in my head would tell me "Don't waste your time heeding for social medias interaction. Just do the work, for you've got a lot to do and a short amout of time to do it !".
Someone suggested me that I should post my sketches as that's basically what every artist is doing now.
But I don't pay attention to the demands of commercial art & trends, which require to follow the algorithms of Instagram, Twitter ect.. My object is such pleasure as I can obtain from the creation of my own epic world, erotic situations,atmospherics effects; The only reader I hold in mind is myself...
That's how I created my Thorus comics 18 years ago, plotting and drawing several issues which I never showed to anyone else.
(From Hugh Mc Leod -Ignore Everybody)
Still I'be happy to share the Thorus world reboot with the "happy few" who may appreciate it. But I'm still not ready for it.
Enjoying the journey. That's all that matters at the end ;-)
...Still being poor sucks ha ha.
Stay safe !
Very hot. Keep up the good work!