Jenny loves cock - panel 1

I made some few mistakes while trying to create the comic, but I  learned quite a few things. I drew each characters separately, inked Jenny on paper, and the three barbarian directly with my wacon table. That was the first mistake.
Because of that, (and several other things too long to explain...), instead of regular pages, I'll just stick to some panel.

This is gonna be prety much straight forward, as you can guess he he .


  1. Coucou Kame!
    J ADORE ce debut!! ♥♥♥
    LOVE how this is starting!
    GREAT seXXy outfit and the collar: YUMMMMmmmmm!!!
    Can't WAIT to see what happens next! :)
    Big Kiss

  2. Excellent work Kame! Jenny is going to have her hands full!!!

  3. Can't wait for the next panel!!!


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